Trade Your Car for Cash - Any Make, Any Condition

Enter License Plate or VIN to get a certified offer!

How it Works

About Your Car

Tell us about your car

All we need is the license plate number, the vehicle identification number (VIN). Following that, enter the amount of miles, the color, and respond to a few questions regarding the physical condition of your car.

Schedule Your Handoff

Get a certified offer

Our team of professionals will get in touch with you with an acceptable offer in as little as thirty minutes. Each offer we make, whether for a trade-in or a sell will provide you with fair prices as per market rates.

Confirm the Details

Present your proposal to our dealership and get cash

Once we evaluate your vehicle and verify its condition, you'll receive a guaranteed offer. If you choose to accept the offer, visit our dealership in Glendale, Milwaukee.

Sell or trade your vehicle in Glendale, Milwaukee, WI with Milwaukee Auto Mall

Selling your car to a newer, better car is a smart way to make the transition easier. In fact, we make selling your car so simple that you can start the process online right now. Simply fill out the form below, tell us everything you know about your car, and we'll get back to you with an initial appraisal. Don't worry, we offer fair values for all cars we buy or take in trade, so you can feel secure in knowing that you'll get a prompt response.

Frequently Asked Questions

Yes, we do!

You will be compensated right away if there is a title. The equity discrepancy, if any, will be settled as soon as we get the lienholder's title.

We calculate a vehicle's market worth using a program designed specifically for the industry, not merely its book value.

No matter what your plans are for a replacement, we can still buy your car.

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